Tuesday, August 28, 2007

TeaCHING yOuth ArTs this SuMMer

Cardboard weaving with kids this summer.
Mostly made by boys, who LOVED it!! Who woulda known? One little boy 9, said "I like this sewing stuff more than all the other stuff we've been making". Another little boy, 8, told his mom that after he is done playing hockey in the NHL, he wants to work with fabrics!
Red and blue. This little guy's (11yrs) favorite colors. The first two bags were the test runs for the class. Made in my driveway on a large blanket with ants that wanted to weave too. : )
Camo, red, and green- yes, a little boy (8 yrs.) made this one too!

The course was so much fun to teach, and the kids were precious. So much enthusiasm and natural ability!
This one was mine. Unlined. I made linings for everyone ahead on my sewing machine, and they sewed them in with real metal bodkins (very large needles) and yarn.

This lavendar bag was made by the only girl (10yrs) in the group (except for me and the summer student coordinator--well we aren't girls anymore, we are Women!! : ). She did her own imaginative braiding for the strap.

This was the little blue green guy (7yrs).
This little guy (6yrs) wanted green, green and more green.
This little guy (9yrs) liked black and green. (Is green a guy thing??)
This cute brown and red polka dot bag was made by the summer student coordinator. She says she will use it a lot, and expects lots of feedback when she does!
Weaving our experiences into our lives is an art form too. Be mindful of your weaving, and thread some love through your warp!


  1. Good for them! What fun that must have been and rewarding for you. By the time these little guys grow up, my fave fabric artist will be ready to retire! These baskets reminded me of some of Danny Mansmith's work. You can see 100's of his photos here.

  2. Thanks for looking at my blog, and for your comment! Who knows what these kids will do... at least they have the seed of an experience. : ) I'm happy to see the link to the fab fabric artist you sent, too. Very inspiring!!
