Sunday, September 16, 2007

Baby Rose

made this cardboard mannequin for my onion bag/satin fabric weaving piece, Rosie. It is here hanging in an art show between two of my other
pieces, The Key, and Ms. In the Pink. (I will post them one of these days!)

I went through a phase where I named things Rosy, which has special significance for me because I wanted to name my baby girl Rose, or some combination with that name.

I liked Liberty Rose, or Libby Rose for short because Liberty meant that the girl had complete freedom (from my feminist upbringing), and because I love roses, they are beautiful, and I grow them.

It was a very symbolic period for me because I desperately wanted to have another baby. I put the remainder of the energy of my grief into these pieces, in a positive way. It was a transition point for me. It helped me to realize that with an end there is a new beginning. When one door closes, new doors open. Then choices abound.
peace and love


  1. >It was a very symbolic period for me because I desperately wanted to have another baby.<

    I was unsure if I wanted a third child myself, as I am the third in my family. I never did have that third child but now I do not feel the loss like I did when my two were young.

    I think it is so sad when women want children and do not have them. There is no substitute (and getting a dog doesn't count).

    the Fisher Woman

  2. Thank you Fisher Woman. I still have my days, that's for sure. I sometimes think of adopting, other days I think of all the things I can do with my life until I have grandchildren. I am more flexible either way. Those years of longing for another baby were torturous, and used a lot of my energy! This too shall pass, and in accordance with my destiny.
