Tuesday, October 2, 2007

sNoW gOddeSS

I have been thinking of this snow sculpture I made a couple of years ago. I had never sculpted in snow before, and the snow was sooo perfect for it. I could have stayed outside all night sculpting. My son was still pretty little and he couldn't see why I was so enthused. He couldn't get into creating something of his own. He dragged me inside.
Tonight the little guy said he can't wait for some snow, and won't that be so much fun, etc. He said he thinks he is ready to build some stuff. Well we'll see. I have snow pants ready for him in his size. : ) Last year we built walls to hide behind when throwing snowballs, like in Calvin and Hobbes, or something. Our old 87 year old friend came over and helped us shovel the snow into piles. My guy couldn't build snowballs that would throw across the yard. The snow sucked for packing anyway. We got rid of the huge collection of sleds and things I had gathered over the years, because we just never got to use them, and well I'm cleaning out... The crazy carpets are the best anyway. And he can drag them himself without complaining... Now, don't get me wrong, he's great fun, but he is a kid. : )
Funny, anyway that he talked about snow today, and I've been thinking about this sculpture. Funny too, that it feels like it should still be summer, and that I just got out a pair of boots today from the winter stuff packed in boxes, that were just packed up at the end of July!! Guess my summer stuff will last a long time, due to lack of use. ; ) I'm ready to go south!
Love life, even if you freeze your fingers and toes off, as soon as the heat needs to go on, like I do every year!!

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